Brentford Dock Action Group

Review of 2025 Actions and Results

Community Comments

Communicating brilliantly with people like me who are quietly grateful to you all who are challenging the builders.

We really appreciate the efforts and progress made by the working group. The disturbances have been moderated, an amazing success. thank you!

Meeting of the BDL Board and Residents Thursday 7pm in the clubroom

A brief synopsis of the main points

1 The vibrations will not damage the structure of the Dock

2 BDL do not have the financial means to “take Fairview to court”

3 The new scheduling and shroud has dropped the noise by around 10dB  which ensures compliance with the planning regulations

4 Fairview will pay small claims by residents with good evidence of loss.

5 The board has not accepted the £1000 donation for our Xmas illuminations

6 Fairview chose the cheap option which has resulted in the activity taking more time and money..

Issues still unclear

1 The extent of Hounslow Council monitoring

2 Why Hounslow Council does not insist on Considerate Contractors' compliance

3 When will we see the information from the monitoring post

4 Was the positioning of the monitor correct?

5 How long the pile driving will continue

6 How can we prevent unreasonable disturbance as the construction continues along the north bank of the River Brent?

7 How we can support those wishing to claim personal loss.