Brentford Dock Action Group

Update Tuesday 6th August


It seems there are four groups.

1 Those who have had physical damage to their properties

2 Those who have suffered measurable and identifiable personal damages, 

3 Those who have suffered expenses through not being able to work normally from home. 

4 Those who have just suffered from the noise and vibration.

The FOI requests 

The FOI information will strengthen successful compensation through legal processes.  Fairview’s offer for group 4 of £1000 towards our “Christmas Illumination appeal” will need to be revised. Historically the Dock spent around £7000 on Illuminations roughly £12 of our service charge. 

Update Sunday 4th August

Freedom of Information (FOI)

Our working group FOI requests should arrive this week.  


This has been reduced by just over 10dB. Numa is still suffering the most with the mean of peak disturbances being 89 dB. This is a reduction from the period before the shroud which was 99 dB


Only Numa Court is reporting vibration levels above 0.5 MM. Numa is mean peak is 2.2 (II) MM.

Update Friday 2nd August

Meeting of the BDL Board and Residents Thursday 7pm in the clubroom

A brief synopsis of the main points

1 The vibrations will not damage the structure of the Dock

2 BDL do not have the financial means to “take Fairview to court”

3 The new scheduling and shroud has dropped the noise by around 10dB  which ensures compliance with the planning regulations

4 Fairview will pay small claims by residents with good evidence of loss.

5 The board has not accepted the £1000 donation for our Xmas illuminations

6 Fairview chose the cheap option which has resulted in the activity taking more time and money..

Issues still unclear

1 The extent of Hounslow Council monitoring

2 Why Hounslow Council does not insist on Considerate Contractors' compliance

3 When will we see the information from the monitoring post

4 Was the positioning of the monitor correct?

5 How long the pile driving will continue

6 How can we prevent unreasonable disturbance as the construction continues along the north bank of the River Brent?

7 How we can support those wishing to claim personal loss.

Update Thursday 1st August

Please attend the meeting with the BDL board representatives tonight in the clubroom. Hopefully, it will open a means for community-board dialogue. This meeting is only about the disturbances.

"Residents’ Action Group

I understand that you have organised a Residents’ Action Group and I wonder if you could send out the following message to them, please?

Following our meeting last night, directors have agreed that it would be helpful for us all if we met to discuss the concerns regarding the Fairview Homes piling project.

We have taken advice from our Managing Agents and have increased our inspections / surveys of our buildings that could be potentially affected, and although there is no evidence of any structural damage to the buildings, we understand residents’ concerns.

We have also sought advice from solicitors and structural engineers and we do, of course have comprehensive building insurance covering all our properties.

We are arranging a meeting for those residents who are immediately affected by the Fairview development on:

Thursday 1st August at 7.00 p.m. in the Residents’ Clubroom"

This is not a meeting intended for the whole of the Dock… but just for those who are immediately affected by the Fairview development, 

Many thanks, 


Update Wednesday 31st July


Phase Two Measuring

Meeing with the BDL Board

Phase Two monitoring

Please keep reporting both noise and vibration when possible. Remeber a reaing of zero is important and different from no readings taken. We have yet to get enought data to localise the vibration.

Meeting with The Board of BDL

Letter from the Chair of BDL

"Residents’ Action Group

I understand that you have organised a Residents’ Action Group and I wonder if you could send out the following message to them, please?

Following our meeting last night, directors have agreed that it would be helpful for us all if we met to discuss the concerns regarding the Fairview Homes piling project.

We have taken advice from our Managing Agents and have increased our inspections / surveys of our buildings that could be potentially affected, and although there is no evidence of any structural damage to the buildings, we understand residents’ concerns.

We have also sought advice from solicitors and structural engineers and we do, of course have comprehensive building insurance covering all our properties.

We are arranging a meeting for those residents who are immediately affected by the Fairview development on:

Thursday 1st August at 7.00 p.m. in the Residents’ Clubroom"

This is not a meeting intended for the whole of the Dock… but just for those who are immediately affected by the Fairview development, 

Many thanks, 


Update Tuesday 30th July


Phase Two Measuring

Meeing August 1st

Considerate Constructors Scheme

Phase Two Measuring

Please can we continue measuring sound and vibrations. A very low or zero reading or vibration is useful data. It indicates most of the Dock is not under strain. 

Meeting August 1st

Please make this meeting constructive, It is a chance to exchange information and the board to clarify there reactions to the disturbance.

Considerate Constructors Scheme

Unlike Ballymore, Fairview are not members of the Considerate Constructors Scheme. Fairview have in formed us the unlike many other "customers" Hounslow Planning department do not insist on it. I think we need to put political pressure on our representaives to ensure future planning permissions insist on  membership of the scheme.

Update Monday 29th July


Phase Two Measuring

Residents Association.

Phase Two Measuring

I have modified the data collection form. The only compulsory data is time date and place. Sound (dB) and vibration (MM or mm) are not compulsory this enables you to answer either or both. We need to “keep feet to the fire”. Please keep going we have 263 recorded measurements. Such data is a powerful influencer of change. The shroud is a good example. 

Residents Association

When communicating with external bodies we need to title “Residents Association”. The Inaugral meeting of the association will be in October.

Update Saturday 27th July

Aims of the Action Group a Discussion paper

A big thanks to those who expressed their opinion in our survey.  We had 34 responses. 

Please note the numbers in the most seriously affected blocks   (Numa Court = 90, Julius Court = 30)

The score range was 1 to 5. 1 Disagree = 1  Agree = 5

A commentary on each activity.

1 The working group has made excellent progress

2 Medium-term aim. There will be more construction on the North Bank

3 An obvious need, we have recorded a great deal of data  (n=263)

4 Fairview has refused to cooperate with us on this matter

5 Transparency is a long-term issue. It needs cool heads

6 The board is taking legal advice the problem is we have no information

7 Media will run their agenda I am pleased this is low.

8 The disturbances will end. Have we time for these actions to bear fruit?

9 A minefield!  How can we support those who have suffered financially and mentally? 

10 We are certainly not NIMBYS

Update Friday 26th July


The shroud is not the full story

Vibration should we measure it?

I have set up the phase two pilot which includes measuring vibrations. My question is should we measure it?
The case for sound was clear we need quantifiable evidence of possible damage to hearing and disturbance to our daily lives. Vibration creates physical evidence of damage.(cracks in walls, kitchen cupboards falling off the wall). Should we measure it? Thoughts, please!

Update Thursday 25th July


A First Victory for the Action Group.

Action group focuses on vibration.

A significant First Victory for the Action Group.

A new noise-absorbing shroud has been fitted. This has reduced the noise in the worst affected area by ~26 dB. A significant reduction. It has also reduced the noise in the affected blocks by ~19 dB.  It's a massive improvement. This clearly indicates the effectiveness of the Action Group, well done everybody!!. Particular thanks goes to the Working Group for their diligence, expertise  and doggedness.   It is well  appreciated

Main points

1 The shroud has a bigger effect in the worst areas for noise (~26 dB)

2 Overall the shroud has reduced noise (~19 dB)

3 The shroud does nothing to reduce vibration.

Action group focuses on vibration.

The effect of vibration is our next target, this is far more complex and seriously affects individual properties. When the piles are being hammered in try standing in front of Numa you can feel the earth shake. Phase two monitoring will start shortly. The Dock was built to withstand mini-earth quakes so the likelihood of structural damage is exceptionally low, However, BDL  will be inspecting the site to sign off on the current renovation work.

Update Wednesday 24th July


Survey Results on Aims of Action Group

Provisional limited information on Phase One Noise Monitoring

Meet Your Neighbour event tonight

Survey Results on Aims of Action Group

Below are the links to two documents.

Document 1 Report on the survey

Document 2 Spreadsheet of the data.

Aims of the ActionGSummary.pdf
Aims of the Action Group v2 (Responses)

Provisional limited information on Phase One Noise Monitoring

Phase One will finish Thursday 25th Jul;y

Phase Two will have refined data collection including vibration

Meet Your Neighbour event tonight

Face-to-face meeting of the action group

Update Tuesday 23d July


1 Aims of the action group questionnaire

2 Meet your Neighbours - bring your monitoring devices

3  Indicative results of phase one monitoring

Aims of the action group questionnaire

We have had an excellent response (n= 28). The comments are exceptionally useful. I will report the information on Wed 24th. Please encourage other residents to respond.

Meet your Neighbours

Wed 24th 7pm till 10 pm please bring your monitoring devices. Hopefully, we can engage more residents to become monitoring stations 


 Indicative results of Phase One monitoring please continue with Phase one

The results come as no surprise, however, I note

1 Geographical position is crucial

2  Our windows with the larger gap do significantly reduce the noise

3 The louder the noise the more effective the windows are.

4 We have no readings from Galba which will in the future be affected by construction on the north bank of the River Brent.


Update Monday 22nd July


1 Aims of the action group questionnaire

2 Meet your Neighbours

Aims of the Action Group Questionnaire

Please discuss and complete

Meet your Neighbours

Come and chat with fellow members of the action group.

Wed 24th July, 7 pm till 10 pm. A free event for residents and guests. A time to display culinary talents and chat.  We will have greeters at the door and name badges. No music as we now have "Friday Night is Music Night"  There will be a "raffle" for our Christmas Illumination Appeal. £1 a ticket.

Update Saturday 20th and Sunday  21st July


1 Aims of the Action Group

2 Review of Phase One monitoring

3 Phase Two monitoring

Aims of the Action Group

In a very short time, we have reduced the disturbance. This is due to the disciplined Action Group activities. Undoubtedly our working group's investigation's tenacity has with the Action Group's activities had an impact. Well done everybody! So where do we go from here?

We need to identify what we wish to achieve. To that end I am releasing a questionnaire with possible aims it will have a box for your thoughts which will guide our activities. The development will be complete in perhaps two years!

Review of Phase One monitoring

Due to our success in reducing the disturbance, we have only been able to gather enough data for a block level overview. Therefore I propose to keep phase one going. We have identified the level of disturbance of the blocks affected. No surprises.  However, we have five levels and we need data from all these levels.  This information will be vital in challenging the geographical positioning of formal monitoring. The monitor fastened to the post is not in the optimal position.

Phase Two monitoring

Phase two monitoring will measure vibration, as well as, sound and will include measurements next to the formal monitoring posts. 

Update Friday 19th July


1 View of the community

2 Freedom of Information 

3 Last day of Phase One monitoring

View of the community

We will be sending a questionnaire via email and our WhatsApp group for the community’s view on requests to stakeholders on how to manage the disruption best.

Freedom of Information

. It ha become apparent that we need to use the Freedom of Information process (FOI() to obtain the information we desire from Hounslow Council and Fairview, this will delay the receipt of the information however, It will be of much higher quality.

Last day of Phase One monitoring

Massive thanks to all who participated in Phase One monitoring 112 readings were uploaded, Friday is the last day please can we have more data.  We need more data to refine the information. For example what are the noise differences on different floors. Hounslow Counsils monitoring only operates at ground level, 

Below is information on each block with windows open and closed. 

Update Thursday 18th July


Fairview admit they are investigating why the piles are not going in as expected

Noise monitoring understanding the data

Face-to-Face Meetings

Pile Driving Disturbance

There is a lull in the pile driving, Fairview is investigating why better progress is not being made. This lull will stop.  There could be an opportunity to modify schedules and/or warning notices. The large growing action group on WhatsApp is the only realistic way to identify realistic community desired modifications. We will use online questionnaires followed by WhatsApp polls. Only the questionnaire will be available to those not in the “Action Group”.  Please encourage neighbours to join the highly active Action Group. (Ade 07981 881344, email

Understanding Noise Measuring

Many people are now carry a sound meter around with them. To get accurate data whilst recording put the phone/device down so it does not move and validate your readings with your ears.

70 dB: washing machine, dishwasher

80 dB: noisy restaurant, vacuum cleaner, garbage disposal

85 dB: Blender, heavy traffic

90 dB: lawnmower, shouting conversation

95 dB: electric drill

100 dB: night club, train, snowmobile

110 dB: power saw, jackhammer, motorcycle

120 dB: ambulance siren, chainsaw, rock concert

Face-to-Face Meetings

Saturday 20th July 11 am till 12. In the Dock Clubroom, there's a councillor surgery.  This is a regular event every 3rd Saturday of the month, Meet other members of the action group in our regular “meet the nighbour event.

Update Wednesday 17th July


1 Pressure on stakeholders is having some success
2 Noise monitoring phase one is active
3 Meeting of the Action Group

Pressure on Stakeholders

Since the morning of Thursday, July the 11th there has been a welcomed temporary lull in the disruption. This is clear evidence we can affect the working practices of Fairview and constructors on the North Bank.

Our actions have also enabled residents to have access to Holiday Inn’s lounge with free wifi tea and coffee.  

There will be building construction on the north bank of the Brent for perhaps another two years. To enable effective proactive action we need to understand the process. Hopefully, the five crucial and formal requests for information from Hounslow Council will enable this. Can I again thank the working group for their diligence in this process?

Noise Monitoring Phase One

We now have nine active “monitoring stations”. They are curently producing 24 measurements per day.  Understandably they are geographically grouped on Numa and Julius courts. We need more residents to start monitoring especially in Romulus and Galba courts which will suffer as the construction site moves along the north bank of the River Brent. The council has, we believe, only one sensor for the whole of our estate. Vibration is also an issue in phase two of the development of our mentoring system We will also measure vibration using our phones as seismometers.

Meeting of the Action Group

We meet online every day, However, face-to-face discussion brings more clarity. To that end, we are having an informal meeting during the Dock Community’s “Meet and Greet” event on Weds July 24th in the clubroom from 7 pm till 10 pm. This is a free event.

Update Tuesday 16th July


1 Five questions for the Council
2 Noise measurement developments
3 Action Group continues to grow

The working group's five questions for Hounslow Council are being relayed  through our local  Councillor

Issue 1: LBH Enforcement - steps taken with Fairview. We request a copy of LBH breach notice issued to Fairview 15 July 2024. We also request a list of outcomes agreed at the meeting on 11 July between LBH Enforcement and Fairview.

Issue 2: . Noise levels and acoustic calibrations. We request acoustic data reports recorded by the single piece of noise monitoring equipment located on Brentford Dock, attached to a lamp post. Please send data from when this equipment was installed to 12 July. We request LBH Enforcement to send all documentation on accepted acoustic levels over a sustained period of time, with an explanation about average data readings and aggregated acoustics over working hours

Issue 3: Environmental impact assessments. We request full assessment reports for the entire site at Montgomery Wharf, Brentford. Please include the results of the latest assessments, including the rebuilding of the river bank,  and contact details for community liaison, defining whether this is the responsibility of LBH Enforcement or another agency.

Issue 4: Geological examination of riverbank. Request to see Bore Logs, or ball logs from preliminary construction works to show geological testing and identification of riverbank structure/ materials, to determine appropriate methods of construction for driving, and drilling river banks, including advice given by boring specialists, design plans signed off by Fairview and approvals made by LBH planning. We are keen to know how LBH Enforcement is measuring and managing ground vibrations due to current pounding techniques and measures of the resulting impacts.

Issue 5: . Scope and plan of works by phase. Since March, Fairview has provided scant information, and both timeframes which were provided have overrun significantly. We request Fairview practice transparency and share their weekly work plans during this immediate phase. Specific times and days of disruptive works need to be given on a weekly basis. We need an accurate end date to intense noise and vibrations. We have continuous expectations for work plans to be shared ongoing and without request. We request LBH Enforcement to advise how vibrations are being measured and monitored and to provide guiding documents for information.

Noise Monitoring Group

We now have data flowing from a range of devices and locations. No information will be published until we have some consistent reproducible results. We are aiming long term for over a thousand readings. However, we can already see hotspots that are not close to the single monitoring device fastened to the lamp post on the Brent south bank near Numa Court.

Action Group continues to grow

.We now have expanded to 77+ members, Gareth and Celine have joined the group and are sharing their experience and knowledge accumulated whilst trying to get compensation for damage to their property. They are a most welcome asset.

Update Monday 15th July


1 Noise monitoring triggered the “breach notice” or “temporary stop”
2 Working group is asking some key questions
3 Community noise monitoring - Phase one starts 

Noise monitoring

At the meeting with our councillors, it was confirmed the action to “cease” the work was triggered by the data from the noise monitoring system attached to a lamp post in front of Numa Court. The data from this single sensor was requested by the working group.

Working group Update

The meeting with our councillors on July 14th  has enabled us to Identify some key questions that will help us understand how to limit or reduce the disturbance. These questions are being formally asked through our councillor by the working group this ensures a response within ten working days. Watch this space.

Community Noise Monitoring Phase 1

We must know where the noise is worst to ensure the correct geographical position of formal monitoring on the dock. The disturbance will move along the River Brent’s north bank, so we must have monitoring In Galba, Romulus, Numa and Julius. However, It must be stressed we do not know where the noise will be most disruptive so contributions from all blocks will be useful.

Update Sunday 14th July

1  Breach being issued to Fairview on Monday 15 July by LBH planning.

2  Councillors surgery, 11-1pm at Digital Dock.

3 The Dock-wide noise measuring has started. link

4 “Meet Your Neighbours” 24th July 7 pm. link

5  Action Group now has 73 active members

Working Group Update

Hi everyone, a small working group met earlier today. A quick update: Firstly, fantastic achievement this week, our fast action taken with everyone who contacted Fairview, planning, LBH complaints, etc has resulted in a Breach being issued to Fairview on Monday 15 July by LBH planning. We've requested a copy of this, so we can digest the details.

Sunday is the Councillors surgery, 11-1pm at Digital Dock. We'd like to know from Dan Bowring the outcomes of a meeting held on Thursday 11 July between LBH and Fairview and have made this request directly to Dan. So, we're still fact-finding. 

In the meantime, we urge everyone to continue or start measuring noise/vibrations as gathering evidence is key. 

We've made great progress so far and more info to review next week. Most likely, it's in our interests to deal with this in a rational and reasonable way so we can learn more and have an informed approach.  

Appreciate we've been fed up and deeply upset however, trial by social media is not a great route at this stage. Let's get details of the breach and get supporting documents. We will be meeting next week once we've reviewed the the meantime, keep measuring! Enjoy the tennis, football and tranquillity. Best, Anna (working group)

Noise Measurement
We now have a specific Noise Monitoring page please help to create an array of listening devices across the whole dock.

Meet your Neighbours

July 24th in the Clubroom from 7:30 pm till 10 pm. Details are on our website.

Update Saturday 13th July


1 Hounslow Council will stop the construction work to investigate damage and disturbance caused by noise and vibration.

2 We are trialling our Dock-wide noise monitoring system.

3 We are enjoying some peace

4 Many are going to our councillor's surgery Sunday from 11:00-13:00 at Digital Dock, 205 High Street, Brentford, TW8 8AH. 

This “stop” is temporary we must keep objecting as indicated in earlier updates ⬇️. Our working group has been a spectacular success, many thanks for their efforts and expertise.  The exact set-up and terms of reference are still under development.

The action group is growing there are now 70+ members, helping to protect the Dock which is a fantastic place to live.

Details of action group activities can be easily accessed via the drop-down menu or buttons on this website.

Update Friday 12th July

1 Fairview announced we can use Holiday Inn to work online. Coffee is available with the password Fairview

2 Fairview parent companies and housing association have been identified

3 The board through its managing agent has received an offer of £1000 from Fairview towards our Christmas Illumination appeal. 

4 Hounslow Council, “are sitting on their hands” over the “disturbances”.

5 The action group of residents is growing steadily now 67+ members.

I am pleased to hear there is a meeting scheduled between Fairview and residents in Numa who are currently pursuing compensation for damage to their properties. Excellent news. We can help them by putting more social pressure on Fairview and their parent companies. I thank Celine for the update.

Please keep up our campaign to stop/reduce this disturbance, It is likely there will be developments on the north bank of the Brent for two more years. 

Action Point 1

While our focus has been on Fairview, the other investor in the site is Latimer Developments Ltd which is the development company of Clarion Housing Group. They are joint investors in a company called Montgomrey's Wharf. If you're fed up with Fairview's response, have a crack at Clarion. Apparently the largest housing association in England. Chief Exec Clare Miller. Her email is (Thanks to Ste Greenhalgh)

Action Point 2

Please monitor the noise levels as requested in the 11th of July update below. Post levels to the group. I have a data collection form ready. 

Action Points 3

Our Councillor Dan Bowring is a member of the Planning Committee so maybe it will be useful to see him at his surgery on Sunday.

Update Thursday 11th

Three layers! there is now going to be three layers of piles! At least three more weeks! Probably more!

Working group creation update: A group is now being created. I (Ade) will not be a member of the group I am merely a facilitator.  

There has been little measurement of the sound. We need data. The information from this data will enable

1 Put pressure on stakeholders
2 Identify areas that are most affected
3 Enable worthwhile focussed professional measurement

At this moment any app on your phone will do as we are scoping. The data will be collected here via a Google form which we have used many times.  I suggest two apps below one for iPhones and one for Android. This will enable mutual support, however any app is ok for this scoping investigation. In fact, using different apps reduces systematic errors, Please make your reading on the hour so 10 am , 11 am, ….

I will collect the following data

1 Highest sound level recorded

2 Time of recording

3 Block

4 flat number

5 windows open or closed

I have just used the Sound meter app 83dB window open, 59 dB window closed, Romulus, 51 

NIOSH Sound Level Meter Apple   and Sound Meter Android



Update Wed 10th

Our first day of campaigning has been very successful with I believe over 50 emails posted to stakeholders.  Please fill in this Google form to update this number.

Now we need some leverage! The way forward is a working group. 

1. There's significant expertise at BD to put together an informed approach as to whats necessary and appropriate. Identify the experts. Eg: Engineering, Noise and vibration calibrations etc. For example, we need to know what are the actual noise levels.

2. We need to be clear what's acceptable measures and levels in a residential neighbourhood for us, rather than what's stuck in and gaffer taped by the council. 

3. Form a working group with TOR and clear communication lines both to developers and to residents of BD. 

4. Have backing from key political and council stakeholders. These relationships need management for future dealings. We really need these for other planning purposes.

5. We need a working group to prepare for future nearby developments along Dock Road and the waterside. 

6. There's intense amounts of construction over next 3-5 years. Our approach should be to manage the changes and communicate better all around. At the moment we are not well organised. We need to avoid the frustration and helplessness of the awful situation today. 

(many thanks to Anna and Judith for this clarity of purpose)

Please keep expressing your objection to the intolerable noise created by building works. Please also encourage residents to support the working group once it is formed by joining our WhatsApp "Action Group"

This is a closed group for the Dock community. You may have to wait for admin to verify requests to join.

Here are the stakeholder's emails as provided by the board.

Hounslow Council;;

Fairview New Homes;;;;;; 

Brentford Dock Limited  (BDL)

Note: All property owners  are  shareholders of BDL the board is required to "Understand and take into account the interests of shareholders and relevant stakeholders." (Institute of Directors)  The board is active in this matter.  BDL's Latest Communication below contains active links just click on them to  open an email.
