Memories 2024
Dock Action Group
So much has been achieved by this effective group that it has its own page click this link
Christmas Party
A fantastic night. with entertainment from our very own Maradonna and Tom, Great food, great company, raffle prizes £54 and a magnum of Champagne.
Massive thanks to Pete and Lindsay for the table decorations including Christmas crackers and all who contributed to our excellent food-sharing table. Everyone went home with a
gift and a smile.
Community Awards Oct 2024
‘One Hounslow Community Stars Award’ Being awarded to Ann, Karen and Leigh for many years of community work
The Entertainers Oct 2024
A Fantastic Night made possible by many community volunteers to numerous to mention. £61 was raised in the raffle for our Christmas Illuminations Appeal. Big thanks to all who made this possible.
The Great River Race 2024
A big thanks to all who created a great day on the Dock. Another great community event on our beautiful riverside. Funds raised for RNLI a worthy cause. Over £1274 raised well done everyone!
The Third Dock Social
A big thanks to the steering group for organising another successful "Meet the Neighbours" event. It was fantastic to see some new faces. The garden was a highlight as was the food sharing table.
The Second Dock Social
The community's arts and crafts were great discussion points. The food was plentiful and diverse a massive thanks to all who donated arts, crafts and food keeping this event a true Dock community "Social" free and open to all on the Dock!
A big thanks to the growing Steering Group, In particular, Marion for managing the catering and our regular compare Derek. However, the force behind this event is the community's participation. A big thanks go to Chris, Viv, Jean, Ester and Ste (Christina) for their art and craft items and to all those who donated the delicious food.
It was great to see many new faces and make new friends remember " There are no such things as strangers just friends you have yet to meet". The next event on the 10th of May will be a meet the neighbours night.
(This event is sponsored by the Community Greenhouse Group)
The First Dock Social
It starts with a free “Dock Social” for community members where you bring your “own snacks and some cheese” and Voila! the Dock Community magic creates:
Massive thanks to all who contributed and created the positive inclusive atmosphere. We have had plenty of feedback to consider.
In all, there were 11 “Community Volunteers” who made this event possible. In total 47 community members present.
Catering: Harps, Marion and Pat.
Front of House: Ade, Derek, Neil, Paula and Sam.
Greeters: Chris, Ivan and Maria.
(if you wish to join this volunteer/Steering group contact Ade 07981 881344)
Vinyl Dock - Open Deck
Massive Success we are basing our new Dock Social in this style.
The Great River Race: London’s River Marathon.
A brilliant annual event
Winner Brentford Dock in Bloom 2023
A fantastic night of entertainment which started with a superb three course buffet provided by the legendary Brentford Dock Events team. The main event then followed. Superb entertainment with high quality singing and accompaniment. Nostalgic comedy monologues by local resident Tom hit the spot. Dockers generous donnations were well recieved.
Friday 10th Feb. Fantastic night, well attended event. Exciting playoff between three teams. Big thanks to those who organised the event and Ann for ordering the superb fish and chips
Christmas Concert
An enjoyable festive concert with some classical music and singalong christmas songs
Stunning Quilts for Babies in Hospitals
These quilts are produced for babies in hospitals the parents get them to take home. They are always well received.