Great River Race

 Saturday, 21st September

What is the Great River Race?

The Great River Race is London’s River Marathon. It’s a spectacular race for rowers in all sizes of boats, covering 21.6 miles from Millwall in the East to Richmond in the West, travelling under London’s famous bridges. 

Again this year, there will be a BBQ on our riverside. This is a popular annual event, with all proceeds donated to the RNLI. Lunch (BBQ and salads) will be served from 12:30 for a donation of £9.50. There will also be an RNLI stall. 

Please come and enjoy a fabulous afternoon on our riverside BBQ area. Bring your own drinks and puddings. 

The first boat arrives 16:00. The staggered start means the fastest boats are beginning to take the lead as they pass Brentford. We will be cheering the rowers through for about two hours.”

The organisers would appreciate offers of help moving stuff and litter picking on Friday 20th and Saturday 21st: please message Roger 07968968753