
Find the tree number by either looking for the number badge on the tree or identify  the number from the maps below.  Once you have the number there is a list at the bottom of this page to identify the tree.

Section  A

Section B

Section C

Section D

1 Lime, Common

2 Lime, Common

3 Cedar of Lebanon

4 Cypress, Monterey

5 Lime, Common

6 Cherry, Flowering

7 Cherry, Flowering

8 Apple, Ornamental

9 Cherry, Flowering

10 Cherry, Flowering

11 Apple, Ornamental

12 Sycamore

G13 Sycamore x 5

14 Cherry, Bird

15 Cherry, Bird

G16 Sycamore x 5

17 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

18 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

19 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

20 Chestnut, Horse

21 Willow Species

22 Willow Species

23 Willow Species

24 Poplar, Hybrid

25 Poplar, Hybrid

G26 Sycamore (x5)

27 Poplar, Grey

28 Cypress, Leyland

29 Cypress, Leyland

30 Sycamore

G31 Sycamore (x6)

32 Maple, Silver

33 Willow, White

G34 Sycamore/ Hawthor

G35 Sycamore (x5); Elm (x1)

36 Foxglove Tree

37 Sycamore

G38 Sycamore (20+)

39 Oak, Holm

40 Oak, Holm

41 Apple, Ornamental

42 Rowan

43 Apple, Ornamental

44 Rowan

45 Cypress, Lawson variety

46 Judas Tree

47 Cypress, Lawson variety

48 Judas Tree

G49 Sycamore

G50 Willow, Goat (x3); Sycamore (x1)

51 Sycamore

G52 Sycamore (x7) & Alder

G53 Laburnum

54 Sycamore

55 Sycamore

56 Sycamore

57 Chestnut, Horse

58 False Acacia

59 False Acacia

60 Cherry, Flowering

61 Willow, Weeping

62 Willow, Weeping

63 Plane, London

64 Plane, London

65 Plane, London

66 Plane, London

67 Plane, London

68 Plane, London

69 Plane, London

70 Plane, London

71 Indian Bean Tree

72 Indian Bean Tree

73 Cotoneaster Tree

74 Plane, London

75 Plane, London

76 Plane, London

77 Plane, London

78 Plane, London

79 Plane, London

80 Plane, London

G81 Sycamore; Holm Oak (x1)

82 Plane, London

83 Plane, London

84 Plane, London

85 False Acacia

86 False Acacia

87 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

88 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

89 False Acacia

90 Maple, Silver

91 Maple, Silver

92 Maple, Silver

93 Maple, Norway

94 Maple, Silver

95 Plane, London

96 Maple, Field

97 Lime, Large-leaved

98 Lime, Large-leaved

99 Hawthorn, Common

100 Hawthorn, Common

101 Apple, Cultivated

102 Maple, Silver

103 Cherry, Ornamental

104 Chestnut, Horse

105 Plane, London

106 Cherry, Ornamental

107 Maple, Field

108 Maple, Field

109 Maple, Field

110 Maple, Field

111 Maple, Field

G112 Purple Plum

G113 Willow, Crack; Elder; Elm

G114 Willow, Crack

115 Alder L

117 Oak, English

118 Cotoneaster Tree

119 Rowan

120 Rowan

121 Rowan

122 Ash, Common

123 Alder

124 Alder

124.1 Mimosa

124.2 Mimosa

125 Judas Tree

126 Willow, Sallow

127 Maple, Field

128 Maple, Field

G129 Sycamore

130 Thorn, Cockspur

131 Maple, Field

G132 Oak, Holm; Maple,

G133 Plum, Purple

134 Beech, Common

135 Birch, Silver

136 Hornbeam

137 Alder, Italian

138 Poplar, Grey

139 Willow, White

140 Hornbeam

141 Thorn, Cockspur

142 Maple, Field

143 Willow, White

144 Willow, Goat

145 Hornbeam

146 Elder

147 Maple, Cappadocian

148 Maple, Cappadocian

149 Rowan

150 Rowan

151 Plane, London

152 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

153 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

154 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

155 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

156 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

157 Rowan

158 Rowan S

159 Plane, London

160 Plane, London

161 Snowy Mespil

162 Snowy Mespil

163 Snowy Mespil

164 Snowy Mespil

165 Snowy Mespil

166 Maple, Snake Bark

167 Maple, Norway

168 Maple, Norway

169 Maple, Norway

170 Willow, Sallow

171 Plane, London

172 Plane, London

173 Cockspur Thorn

174 Cockspur Thorn

175 Cockspur Thorn

176 Cockspur Thorn

177 Rowan

178 Beech, Common

179 Plane, London

180 Maple, Norway

181 Willow, Crack

182 Almond

183 Lime, Common

184 Cherry, Ornamental

185 Cotoneaster Tree

186 Rowan

187 Willow, Goat

188 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

189 Magnolia (M. grandiflora)

190 Plum, Purple

191 Bay

192 Tulip Tree

193 Sweet Gum

194 Sweet Gum

195 Sweet Gum

196 Almond S

197 Cherry, Flowering

198 Cherry, Flowering

199 Maple, Norway

200 Cherry, Flowering

201 Lime, Common

202 Yew, Common

G203 Cypress, Lawson variety(x3), Golden Monterey Cypress (x1)

204 Cherry, Ornamental

206 Cedar (C. deodara)

207 Lime, Common

208 Lime, Common

209 Cedar (C. deodara)

210 Cedar, Atlantic Blue

211 Birch

212 Birch, Himalayan

213 Mount Etna Broom

214 Hawthorn, Common

215 Plane, London

216 Willow, White

217 Poplar, Hybrid

218 Birch

219 Poplar, Hybrid

220 Poplar, Hybrid

221 Poplar, Hybrid

222 Poplar, Hybrid

223 Poplar, Grey (P.canescens)

224 Poplar, Grey

225 Poplar, Grey

226 Poplar, Grey

227 Poplar, Grey

229 Willow, Goat

230 Birch

231 Birch

G232 Birch (x3)

233 Willow, White

234 Willow, White

235 Poplar, Hybrid

236 Poplar, Grey (P.canescens)

237 Poplar, Hybrid

238 Poplar, Hybrid

G239 Poplar, Hybrid (4x stems)

240 Poplar, Hybrid

241 Poplar, Grey (P.canescens)

242 Willow, White

243 Poplar, Hybrid

244 Poplar, Hybrid

G245 Holly

246 Willow, Crack

247 Poplar, Hybrid

248 Poplar, Black

249 Poplar, Hybrid

249.1 Poplar, Hybrid

250 Poplar, Hybrid

251 Sycamore

252 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

253 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

254 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

255 Cockspur Thorn

256 Alder

257 Alder

258 Cockspur Thorn

259 Maple, Field

G260 Sycamore (x4)

G261 Whitebeam (x2)

262 Alder, Italian

263 Alder, Italian

264 Alder, Italian

266 Cherry, Ornamental

267 Apple, Ornamental

268 Apple, Ornamental

269 Apple, Ornamental

270 Apple, Ornamental

271 Birch, Swedish

272 Birch, Swedish

273 Ash, Manna

274 Ash, Manna

275 Willow, White

276 Whitebeam

277 Alder, Italian

278 Alder, Italian

279 Holly, variegated

G280 Alder (x4)

281 Ash, Common

282 Ash, Common

283 Plum,Wild

284 Alder

285 Eucalyptus L

286 Alder

G287 Alder (x2)

288 Elder S

289 Ash, Common

290 Birch, Swedish

291 Ash, Common

292 Rowan

293 Rowan

294 Birch, Swedish

295 Rowan

296 Rowan

297 Rowan

298 Alder, Italian

299 Birch, Swedish

300 Maple, Field

301 Sycamore (x3 stems)

302 Birch, Swedish

303 Sycamore

304 Maple, Field

305 Sycamore L

306 Birch

307 Sycamore

308 Sycamore

G309 Sycamore (x4), Ash, Common (x1)

310 False Acacia

311 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

312 Cherry, Wild (Gean)

313 Cotoneaster Tree

314 False Acacia

315 False Acacia

316 False Acacia

317 Birch, Silver